L2 > L1 and L2 > L2


  1. A relayer deposits liquidity to the BondManager contract (Layer2 Bridge Contract).

  2. A user sends assets they want to transfer to the PheasantNetworkBridgeChild contract deployed on the source chain and submits a request to relayers.

  3. The relayer directly send asset to the user address on destination chain.

  4. The relayer generates proof of the directly transferred assets from its transactional hash and registers it with the PheasantNetworkBridgeChild contract. This proof enables the relayer to withdraw the assets deposited by the user.

In the event of fraud

  1. A disputer triggers a verification process by pointing out a relayer's misbehavior. The disputer needs to deposit a certain amount of assets to initiate a challenge period.

  2. The relayer submits evidence to vindicate themselves within a designated period of time after the disputer's claim.

  3. If the evidence proves the relayer's legitimacy, meaning if the disputer's claim was false, the assets locked by the disputer will be confiscated as a punishment and sent to the relayer.

  4. If the evidence does not clear the relayer, or they are unable to submit evidence within the designated period of time, the disputer will be able to slash the relayer’s bond and reclaim the locked assets.

Sequence Diagram

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